Monday, January 7, 2019

Rang Hai :)

We were walking the 20th kilometre our last stretch for that day. And, we saw a beautiful dome in the middle of few trees. 

The sun was about to rest and we still had to walk a few hills but I felt like walking inside the mosque. Thankfully the lines of religion are not that strong in villages. This might be my perception but I am happy with it as it helped me connect. There were few women cooking inside the premise and two children running behind a puppy. Part of me was hesitant to go in and so I asked a gentleman if I could go in and he showed me the way.

It was a tomb of a Sufi saint. As I bowed down tears started rolling down my eyes. My heart felt deeply touched. I could feel warmth in that space, it felt like I was resting on a mothers lap.

From Kali Bawde: Madhya Pradesh

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